Our thoughts are with the Ukrainian people and all those impacted by the invasion of Ukraine. Through April of this year, we will dedicate 5% of our website revenue to support Softer Streets Inc. in its efforts to get sleeping pads and other life saving supplies to Ukraine.
1,000,000+ Ukrainians who have fled the war are now displaced. In 30°F temperatures, many are sleeping on dirt floors in bomb shelters, in parks and on subway floors. Freezing, they are choosing to either use thin blankets to cover them or to protect them from the heat-sucking ground. Right now, Softer Streets has 1000+ warm, inflatable and portable Klymit mats heading to incredible humanitarian aid organizations in Ukraine, including Map International.
As a company, we’re focused on bringing people together through outdoor experiences. We’re heartbroken by the devastation in Ukraine. If you are able to help Softer Streets Inc get more supplies to Ukraine, please donate here.
Softer Streets Inc. is a non-profit organization providing durable, water-resistant, insulated, easily portable sleeping mats to people experiencing homelessness. Softer Streets aims to supply every person who regularly sleeps on the streets with a high-quality, easily cleaned mat to provide insulation, reduce bug infestations, and help prevent chronic injuries from sleeping on cold, unyielding surfaces.
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